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A wide range of persons can opt for membership in the CRBS. Some of those who might opt to join CRBS are the following:-

  • Academics in the social sciences (Anthropology, Economics, History, Political Science, International Relations, Psychology, Sociology, Social Psychology, Social Work, Human Geography, Media Studies, among others).

  • Students in the social sciences may also want to join as members.

  • Individuals and agencies who might want to access results from the research which might be useful for their own research and their organisations.

Grounds of admission of its members

Any Bhutanese citizen or expatriate interested in being a part of the Centre can register as a member of the Centre on payment of a nominal annual fee and signing a membership form containing basic terms and conditions. However, members must have one or more of the minimum attributes to qualify as a member of the CSO such as:-

  • Must have a background (academic or professional) in any of the social sciences;

  • Must have an interest in social research with aims to create knowledge and inform policy;

  • Can contribute actively to fulfilling the Vision and Mission of the CSO;

Rights and duties and privileges for members including admission  and subscription fees

  • Members are entitled to convey written feedback to the management or the trustees on any matter  that may warrant intervention of the management or the Board of Trustees (BoT) in the interest of the Centre. Members may also convey written feedback to the Annual Newsletter shared with members on completion of each year.

  • Members will also be invited to participate in the Annual General Meeting convened by the Centre. They will actively partake in discussions and decision-making by a mix of consensus and voting by show of hands depending on the issue for which a decision is solicited from members.

  • Members will be invited for occasional training events that the CRBS will organize to build capacity in CRBS in different aspects of social research. Following the training members will be requested to provide inputs using their learning so as to maximize learning outcomes.

  • Members will pay a nominal annual membership fee (non-refundable) to maintain their membership valid for a year. Membership will be renewed each year after a reminder is sent to a member and on the intent and initiative of the member after a reminder. Members will also have the option to take a longer membership subscription such as for 3 or 5 years with a onetime payment of fees for the period subscribed.

  • Members are also encouraged; and can be requested to contribute in cash, kind or pro bono professional time for any work they are capable of doing. All such contributions beyond the membership fees will be duly documented and acknowledged. Members are eligible to request for a work certificate for volunteer services provided and the Centre will issue the certificate on review of the quality of services provided to the Centre and Guidelines on Volunteering with the CRBS framed by the Centre.

Grounds for termination or cessation of membership and the appeal procedure against such termination

  • Membership will cease or can be terminated in the following instances:-

  • If a member submits an intent to deregister as a member out of his/her own volition;

  • If a member fails to renew membership, and therefore does not pay membership fees even after two reminders for renewal;

  • If it is proven , after inquiry and investigation, that a member has committed any act against the Centre which is detrimental to its operations or persons holding office on an official matter. The Centre will issue a letter to the member on the decision to de-register the member; and

  • Any member holding membership of the Centre and who has been terminated can appeal against termination. He/she will submit a written appeal to the Board of Trustees who will scrutinize the reasons for termination. If it is in compliance with provisions spelled out above,  the Board can rule in favour of the appellant, in which case membership will be restored. If the member is not satisfied with the decision of the Board, which rules against his/her appeal, the appellant can approach a local court of law for redressal.

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